

(Auto)cenzura tří angažovaných kamerunských romanopisců: Ferdinand Oyono, Mongo Beti a Patrice Nganang


Vojtěch Šarše




The paper deals with several forms of censorship and self-censorship and examines the diverse reasons of the prohibition or restriction of a literary work. We have chosen three Cameroonian novelists, Ferdinand Oyono, Mongo Beti and Patrice Nganang and described how and by whom their novels or essays have been persecuted. The three novelists represent two generations of African literature of protest, “engaged” literature. They wrote against colonialism and later against the dictatorship established in Cameroon. But their political and social commitments were varied, which largely influenced their public image.


Ferdinand Oyono — Mongo Beti — Patrice Nganang — censorship — African Francophone literatures


Ferdinand Oyono — Mongo Beti — Patrice Nganang — cenzura — africké frankofonní literatury




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Úvod > 2020.1.9