

Romantická ironie jako protihráčka entuziasmu u Borgese a Cortázara


Vít Kazmar




The study offers an interpretation of Borges and Cortázar in the light of romantic irony, in particular Friedriech Schlegel’s concept from the Athenaeum fragment 37 where irony is defined as an art of controlled enthusiasm. This is something that can be found in Borges, at the level of language, in the figure of litotes, in his penchant for brevity and a relative disdain for novels. In Cortázar, the taming of enthusiasm manifests itself more openly, as a contrast of two alternating modes of speech. Thus, Borges and Cortázar embody two answers to the question of enthusiasm.


Romantic irony — Friedrich Schlegel — Jorge Luis Borges — Julio Cortázar — litotes


Romantická ironie — Friedrich Schlegel — Jorge Luis Borges — Julio Cortázar — litotes




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