Submission Guidelines

Svět literatury (World of Literature) welcomes previously unpublished papers on the topics related to modern European and American literatures in accordance with the general scope of the journal (see About the Journal). Czech translations of relevant texts published previously in a different language will also be considered for publication. The journal also publishes reviews of recent (not more than two years since publication) scholarly publications on the topics relevant to the journal’s field of interest. The editors of the World of Literature welcome suggestions for thematic issues and thematic blocks.

For the details of the peer-review process see Review Process


Papers will be submitted electronically to the

Preparation of the Manuscript

Formatting: Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, using Times New Roman font, size 12 for the body text, size 10 for footnotes; line spacing 1,5.

Length: Academic papers should be about 2500-7000 words long, reviews no longer than 1300 words.

The text is preceded by a brief English and Czech abstracts (5–10 lines) and a list of keywords.

Quotations from primary and secondary sources should NOT be in italics; short quotations form part of the body text and are marked by quotation marks, longer quotations (over 3 lines) are indented as block quotations (with no quotation marks). Sequentially numbered footnotes are used to give references to the works cited; the citation in the footnote is shortened to the author’s last name, year of publication of the work cited, and page number: 1 Curtius 1998, s. 254. Full citations appear on the works cited page.

Works Cited Page

The list of primary and secondary sources follows the text. The entries in the Works Cited page are formatted according to the international norm ISO 690 in the following way:

A Book: Abrams, Meyer Howard. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1953.

A Work in a Collection: Genette, Gérard. „La utopía literaria“. In Jorge Luis Borges. Ed. Jaime Alazraki. Madrid: Taurus, 1987, p. 203–210.

An Article in a Journal: Fuentes, Carlos. „Prostor a čas Nového světa“. Světová literatura, 37, 1992, no. 6, p. 114.

Electronic Sources: Lastra, Pedro. Notas sobre la poesía hispanoamericana actual. Revista Chilena de Literatura [online]. 1985, no. 25, p. 131–138 [Accessed 27.3.2017].

Standard license agreements for external authors outside the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (the final agreement intended for signing shall always be provided by the editorial board):

​Czech Version
​English Version
​License agreement, license granted free of charge
  lic_nezam_bezupl_v12-1_CZ.docx lic_nezam_bezupl_v11-1 EN.docx
​​License agreement, license granted in exchange for a license fee
lic_nezam_upl_v11-1_CZ.docx lic_nezam_upl_v11_EN.docx​
Úvod > Submission Guidelines