

Viaje por el abismo: Kafka en la antipoesía de Nicanor Parra

The journey through the abyss: Kafka in the antipoetry of Nicanor Parra

Miroslava Filová




The presence of Franz Kafka’s influence in various Latin American narrative writers is well known and studied. Less known is the influence Kafka had on the Chilean (anti)poet Nicanor Parra. Some of the most prominent critics of Parra’s work mention it, but it has not been studied in depth. This present article tries to shine light on the antiheroism, dark humor and the anxiety of mortality which are common for both Parra and Kafka.


Nicanor Parra — Franz Kafka — hispanic poetry — antipoetry — humor — abyss


Nicanor Parra — Franz Kafka — poesía hispánica — antipoesía — humor — abismo




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Úvod > 2023.3.13