

Cartografía y genealogía literarias de Kafka: Un análisis bajo la lupa de la criticometría

Kafka’s literary cartography and genealogy: An analysis through the lens of criticometrics

Carolina Ferrer




The purpose of this research is to analyze the dissemination of Kafka’s work through the exploitation of big data (Mayer-Schönberger and Cukier 2013), specifically using criticometrics (Ferrer 2011), an approach that allows to empirically measure the critical reception of literary works. The results show, on the one hand, the important links of Kafka with various European literatures and writers, mainly those whose language of expression is German. On the other hand, we observe significant relationships with writers from all over the world, from Borges to Coetzee, to Kõbõ. The indicators also reveal that the reception of Kafka’s work in the Czech Republic is not very significant, while the large number of publications originated in the United States clearly indicates that we are dealing with a case of literary interference.


Kafka’s critical reception — polysystem studies — criticometrics — cocitation analysis — big data — digital humanities


Recepción crítica de Kafka — estudios polisistémicos — criticometría — análisis de textos cocitados — datos masivos — humanidades digitales




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