

El enigma del individuo: antecedentes y convergencias entre Franz Kafka y César Vallejo

The enigma of the individual: Background and convergences between Franz Kafka and César Vallejo

María del Rocío Oviedo




The affinity between Kafka and Vallejo is based on the transformation from man to animal that they present in their narratives: The Metamorphosis and “The Caynas”. In both of them the transformation occur gradually and they construct an oppressive atmosphere in a sort of “fatum” which ends in the meaninglessness of existence. Given the impossibility of a direct influence Kafka’s on Vallejo due to the dates of publication, the origin of the affinity is to be found in the readings that they share.


Kafka — Vallejo — Nietzsche — Swift — Morel — Lankester — Maeterlinck


Kafka — Vallejo — Nietzsche — Swift — Morel — Lankester — Maeterlinck




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Morel, Benedict. Traité des dégénérescence de l’éspèce humaine. Paris: Baillére, 1857.

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Nietzsche, Friedrich. Así habló Zarathustra Prólogo y traducción de Andrés Sánchez Pascual. Madrid: Alianza, 2003.

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